Pre-Primary Cultural Week – Recitation, Story Telling

Recitation competition and Action song competition (22/11/2017)

Oh! What a beautiful way to express something through innocent words and actions in a melody with all smiles and giggles. This is what our all tiny scholars of Little Flower Juniors and Seniors students did with all their confidence and curiously to stand in front of everybody and say it loudly to mark their presence felt.

Variety of interesting rhymes with good introduction of themselves had flown in a melody from the young ones. This competition was held in their respective classes and all the students compulsorily participated. Among them best of three were selected for the prizes.


Story Telling Competition (23/11/2017)

On 23rd of Nov, Story Telling competition was conducted. All the students had participated from each division. The competition went well and the best 3 story tellers were chosen at the end of the event. Firstly, the teachers who were involved put a tremendous effort in making this event a success.

Story Telling

Story Telling