Code Of Conduct

Good behaviour & discipline are key foundations for good education. Without an orderly atmosphere effective teaching & learning cannot take place. Students are expected to adhere to & practice the highest standards of behaviour throughout our school.

A copy of the school behaviour & discipline policy is also available in the diary provided to the students.


Every student admitted to Little Flower Convent School must have 2 sets of complete school uniform exact in colour, pattern & length.

For Boys: Checked shirt, red tie, grey trousers & belts according to house colours.

For Girls: White Blouse, checked pinafore, red tie.

White socks & black leather shoes. No sandals or shoes of any other kind are allowed.

On mass PT day white canvas shoes & white socks, white uniforms with House colours.

Every child must come to school daily in school uniform. The uniform must be washed regularly & neatly pressed. The shoes must be polished well daily.

The House System in Focus

The School Parliament

It fosters in the students the team spirit of democracy & gives them an inkling of working of our parliament at the Centre. They learn through experience that for every right there is a corresponding duty. Students learn the meaning of solidarity & brotherhood of man, irrespective of caste, colour or creed.

The House System

It is the house system that channelizes & directs the energies & potential of our pupils in the classroom & on the playground. There are four houses.

Pupils are assigned to a house when they join the school & they cannot ordinarily change the house. Only the Principal has the authority to change the house if needs be.

  1. House of Carmel
  2. Patron : Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
    Colour : White
    Motto : “Hope Brings Joy”
    Feast : 16th July

    Our Lady of Mt. Carmel brings hope to the world burdened with many ills right through history; she has never failed to bring solace & strength to the sad & weary.

    A member of the house of the Carmel must always be a ray of hope & reach out to the needy, using time & talent, thereby lighting a candle where there is darkness.

  3. House of Lisieux
  4. Patron : St. Theresa
    Colour : Red
    Motto : “God Is Love”
    Feast : 1st October

    St. Theresa was remarkable for her boundless confidence in God. She performed perfectly in her duties of her daily life to express her love for God.

    Like St Theresa every member of the house of Lisieux must be known by her spirit of cheerfulness & devotion to duty.

  5. House of Gorettie
  6. Patron : St. Gorettie
    Colour : Blue
    Motto : “Purity Is True Beauty”
    Feast : 6th July

    St. Maria Gorettie is known as the martyr of holy purity. She grew up in the utter poverty best hardships did not distress her. Her faith & devotion to God gave her courage to face them.

    Maria Gorettie was obedient & modest in the way she dressed or walked or spoke, but above all shone her virtue of purity. Every member of the house must strive to practice obedience, humility prudence & purity in her ways, as a tribute to St. Gorettie.

  7. House of Avila
  8. Patron : St. Teresa
    Colour : Green
    Motto : “Love Conquers All”
    Feast : 15th October

    St. Teresa said, “Let nothing trouble you. God never changes!” She was a woman of prayer. Obstacles were a challenge to her.

    A member of the House of Avila should exhibit deep confidence in God & face difficulties with calm, looking upon life’s storms as opportunities to grow strong.

The Theresian Code

Code of Conduct For Students of Little Flower Convent School

Secondary education is the development of good character. Good manners are the outward expression of a well-developed personality.

At Home

  • Love your parents for they care about you.
  • Speak well of your family members.
  • Be willing to do your part at home.
  • Behave in a manner that will make your parents feel proud of you.

At School

  • Your school is a second home.
  • Be loyal & devoted.
  • Co-operate with your school authorities to promote an all-round development of yourself.
  • Keep your school clean & beautiful.
  • Bring a good name to your school.

On The Playground

  • Games are meant for relaxation.
  • Healthy participation is more important than winning.
  • Honesty is important while playing.
  • Rejoice with those who do better than you.

On The Street

  • Observe traffic rules.
  • Always keep to the foot path while walking.
  • Never run across the street.
  • Speak softly. Do not linger on the street corners.

To The Nation

  • Be proud of your culture & heritage.
  • Interest of the nation must surpass those of your community.
  • Respect every religion; religions are for building bridges, not for erecting barriers.
  • Give of your best through the development of your talents.

To Your Companions

  • The good name of others must be as precious as your own.
  • Every person has good qualities, find them out.
  • Respect the social customs, religious beliefs & festivals of all.
  • Reach out to those in need with a spirit of love.

To Yourself

    • Have a strong & healthy self-image.
    • Accept correction to better yourself.
    • Work hard to achieve your goals.
    • Cultivate the virtue of simplicity & a spirit of service.

Be the pride of the Nation,
the glory of your school,
the joy of your home & companions.

To Parents & Guardians Of Pupils

  1. Parents & guardians are requested to do their part by enforcing regularity & discipline, & to see that their children prepare at home, the work allotted to them daily.
  2. They are further earnestly requested to report to the Principal any case of idleness, indifference & misbehavior at home, in school or outside the school of their children or wards & to ascertain from them their progress & conduct in school.
  3. They should not fail to inspect & sign regularly the Unit Test & Terminal / Semester Examination Reports of those under their charge & also occasional reports sent by the teacher in the calendar. Failure to so, may put their children to great inconvenience & render them liable to be sent home. Repeatedly coming late or forgetting to bring books may be punished in the same way.
  4. Parents / Guardians or other persons are not allowed to see the pupil/s or interview the teachers during the school hours without the written sanction of the Principal.
  5. A pupil who has remained absent from the school for three (3) consecutive school days without prior permission shall be admitted into class only with the permission of the Principal.
  6. Parents should not encourage their wards to go for private tuitions. School authorities do not permit tuitions.
  7. Parents are expected to see that their ward goes to school in a neat, tidy & clean school uniform. I the child fails to come in the proper school uniform he / she will be refused admission to class.
  8. Parents are also expected to see that the ward wears a school uniform of proper length & size.
  9. No written correspondence from Parents / Students / ex– students will be entertained unless the identity of the writer is mentioned.

Rules Of Discipline

  1. Strict regularity & implicit obedience must be expected in class.
  2. Any report or observed objectionable conduct out of the institution is liable to be punished.
  3. Politeness & courtesy in speech & conduct as well as in dress & person is expected from every pupil.
  4. No child suffering from a contagious or infectious disease will be permitted to attend the institution.

General Rules

  1. The school day begins with an assembly prayer for which all pupils are to be present in regular class formation along with their respective Class Teachers & staff members. The gates will close at the stroke of the second bell. The school will not be responsible for those outside the school premises. No pupil is permitted to remain in classrooms, corridors or elsewhere in the school premises during Assembly.
  2. Pupils are expected to be punctual. Late comers are liable to be sent home at the parent’s own risk.
  3. Pupils are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct both in & out of the school, & Catholic students for the performance of their religious duties as well. Parents must offer co-operation in this regard.
  4. Silence must be observed in the verandahs & on the stairways, corridors & during the class hours. There should be no talking aloud at the change of periods.
  5. Silence must be observed outside the Principal’s office.
  6. During absence of the teacher, the monitors will be responsible for the order & discipline of the class.
  7. Pupils from one class may not visit their friends in any other classroom during class hours, nor must they remain in the classroom during the recess.
  8. All applications for leave & notes of absence must be written by the parents/guardians only in the calendar on the pages provided & they should be countersigned by the Principal or supervisor.
  9. No pupil may leave the school premises during working hours (including the recess) without the written permission of the Principal.
  10. If a pupil is ill for more than 3 days, the parents or guardians must inform the school authorities, either personally or in writing & produce a doctor’s certificate.
  11. No collections of funds for any purpose may be made in the school without the approval of the Principal.
  12. Gifts for teachers or other demonstration in their honour also require previous sanction of the Principal.
  13. For irregular attendance, habitual negligence of studies, disobedience, insubordination or conduct injurious to the moral tone & discipline of the school, a pupil may incur punishment including suspension dismissal from school.
  14. Pupils of this school are strictly forbidden to buy anything from the street hawkers. No pupil should leave the school premises during the short recess.
  15. Pupils are expected to come to school provided with all that is necessary for the day’s work. Borrowing or lending of stationery etc. is discouraged. The school authorities are not responsible for loss of any personal articles, stationary, etc. of the students. Students are expected to take care of their own possessions.
  16. Books, newspapers or periodicals brought into the school without the Principal’s sanction are liable to be confiscated.
  17. Personal cleanliness & hygiene are greatly recommended to all. The pupils should be particularly careful not to throw any papers, litter, etc. anywhere in the school premises. They should use the baskets & bins especially provided for this purpose.
  18. No pupil will be excused for games, drill & gymnastics, unless a medical certificate is produced. Those pupils availing themselves of the exemption must remain with the others on the ground & not in the classrooms.
  19. Any damage done in or about the school premises must be made good. The decision of the Principal regarding the amount to be paid is final.
  20. A pupil’s character will be taken into consideration for award winning. To be eligible for the prize a child should maintain a good character sheet in the school calendar.
  21. Students are expected to be always respectful towards the management & the staff. Gratitude is to be shown not only by exterior manifestation such as gifts but by good behavior during the tenure as a student of the school as well as after leaving school.
  22. Hair must be worn in a neat style, not touching the collar nor the forehead. Hair below the shoulder-length must be plaited. Unkempt hair, fancy hair cuts, artificial colouring of hair will not be allowed. Ornamental jewellery & fancy watches are not permitted. It will be confiscated if worn with the school uniform.
  23. Personal cleanliness & hygiene are greatly recommended to all. The school uniform must be worn everyday.
  24. Finger nails must be cut short & kept clean. Applying nail polish is strictly prohibited. They must also be un-adorned by nail varnish.
  25. Every pupil should endeavour to keep up the high tone of the school by excelling in good manners & deportment.
  26. All are expected to speak English in the school & the school campus.
  27. Running, playing or shouting inside the school building in never allowed. No pupil may enter other than his/ her own classroom without permission.
  28. Pupils must answer the assembly-bell promptly & walk along the corridors & stairways in a single file.
  29. The school is not responsible for books, money etc. that are lost. Pupils must look after their own belongings.
  30. When a pupil meets a member of the staff, she/he must greet her/him. Pupils must stand when a member of the staff enters or leaves the class.
  31. In every class each pupil shall be assigned a special seat she/ he shall not occupy any other seat without the permission of the class teacher.
  32. Attendance for the national functions & school functions is compulsory. Strict disciplinary action will be taken against the students remaining absent without a genuine reason.
  33. Pupils are forbidden to write on the furniture or the walls of the school. All should be particularly careful not to throw ink, seeds, papers, etc. on the floor in the school premises.

Addmissions & Withdrawals

  1. Admissions are open to girls & boys.
  2. A pupil from private school seeking admission to this school, has to produce an official birth certificate in support of the date of birth entered in the admission form.
  3. The pupil seeking admission will be tested & will be admitted only if found fit, for the class to which admission is sought.
  4. A pupil who has attended any recognized school cannot be admitted without a leaving certificate from the school last attended & in case of pupil coming from schools outside Maharashtra state, the certificate must be countersigned by the Educational Inspector of the state from which she/he comes.
  5. Leaving certificate will be issued only on forwarding a written application from parents of guardians. A month’s notice is required before the withdrawal of a child. Those who leave in April must pay their fees for May as well.
  6. If, for want of notice, a pupil’s name is entered into the succeeding month, the fees for that month, has to be paid.
  7. No leaving certificate will be issued, unless all school dues are paid.
  8. Pupils who have been absent from school for more than a month without notice, their names will be struck of the roll & they will not be re-admitted.
  9. Students who do not attend school on the appointed day after the exams & vacations may have to pay the entrance fee again.

School Examinations

  1. There are two examinations held in the course of the year in the course of the year at the end of each term, namely October & April.
  2. If a pupil is ill during the course of the examination the parent should produce a medical certificate strictly during the period of that examination & not after the examination.
  3. No text-books, note-books or other papers are to be brought in the examination hall. Students found copying or using unfair means during the examination or discovered subsequently, will be marked zero. They will not be allowed to appear for all other subjects of that examination.
  4. All matters regarding promotions are left entirely to the discretion of the Principal & her decision shall be final.
  5. Answer papers of the final examination will not be shown.
  6. In case of S.S. C. Examination the forms are filled in advance for the convenience only. The school authorities reserve the right to withdraw the said examination form, if the conduct or attendance of the pupil are not found satisfactory.

    N.S. Parents are earnestly reminded to do their part by urging the regular attendance & punctuality of their children, to see that they do their homework & prepare their lessons as specified in the hand-book daily & read books taken from the library. Without parental co-operation the work of the school will be hampered.

Recommendation To Parents

  1. Parents are expected to be co-operative with the school authorities in enforcing regularity & discipline. They will please see that the children leave their homes in time to be punctual in school, that they prepare the work assigned to them at home & are provided with the necessary books & stationery. Neither borrowing nor lending is allowed in school.
  2. Parents are expected to sign the Progress Report or any other similar documents when so requested. Failing t do so may put their children to great inconvenience. Particular attention should be paid to the uniform which must be neat & clean.
  3. No application for the leave of absence will considered unless written by the Parents or Guardians.
  4. Students detained in the same class shall be fortified of the concessions & freeship.
  5. During the school hours Parents, Guardians or other persons are not allowed to see the children or interview their teachers without sanction of the Authority.
  6. No student involved in a marital or pre-marital commitment will be allowed to continue studying in the school. Parents should take note of this.
  7. Guardians are reminded that the school authorities reserve the right to prescribe conditions for admitting or restraining a child in school. The decision of the Principal is final & indisputable with regards to fees, evaluation of answer papers, allotment of marks, progress, promotion, etc.
  8. Parents are urged not to permit their children to drive two whellers while they are schooling.

Library Rules

  1. The library will remain open during class hours & from 1:45 pm to 3:00 pm after school. On Saturday from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm.
  2. Strict silence should be observed in the library & reading room.
  3. Not more than 1 book at a time will be issued from the library. Books borrowed from the library may be kept for a maximum period of 7 days at a time.
  4. Any sort of marking, underlining, etc in any book is absolutely forbidden & punishable.
  5. On receipt of a book the pupil should examine it & report & at once report to the Librarian, any damage so far unaccounted for in the book. If the pupil fails to do so she/he will be held responsible for when it is subsequently detected by the Librarian.
  6. Pupils are expected to handle the books carefully & not damage or spoil them in any way.
  7. If a book be damaged/spoiled or lost by a pupil she/he shall pay the cost of the book & the fine.
  8. Books prescribed as text books, reference books, periodicals & publications should not be removed from the library.
  9. No pupil is allowed to pass on the library books to anyone, in or out of the school.
  10. Pupils requiring any book shall apply to the librarian on a slip of paper, on which they should write their name, class, roll number, the name of the book & its author.
  11. When a book is borrowed or returned, the pupil will write her/his name in the Registered provided.
  12. So long as any dues imposed on a member of the Library are not paid, she/he will not be allowed the use of the Library.
  13. Absence from class without leave will not be admitted as an excuse for delay in the return of books.
  14. All pupils of Std X are expected to spend at least one hour everyday in the Library, looking through Magazines, Newspapers & Reference books.